DIY Built-In Bookshelves with a Hidden Bookcase Door

March 24, 2021

hidden bookshelf door, hidden door to room, hidden bookcase door on casters

We finally have built-in bookshelves! I’ve wanted these for quite a while, but it was a big project, so Jon took some convincing. It’s kind of funny though, because once I thought of the idea that made him want them (a Scooby-Doo door!), he had to convince me to start them the very next week! I posted the entire bookshelf DIY tutorial with a hidden bookcase door over on my author blog.

Psst…this project was featured with 20 other bloggers’ tips and DIY home improvement projects for refreshing your space on Check it out here!

DIY Last Minute Halloween Costume | Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds

October 25, 2019

Looking for an easy Halloween costume that you can make the night before Halloween? Maybe you are looking for a costume that you can wear with your regular clothes to take the kids trick-or-treating or a costume to wear to work?

This Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds costume ticks all the boxes! It’s easy to make even the night before Halloween & it’s a little quirky which is always fun! And of course, it’s a perfect costume for Beatles fans! But, also non-fans too 🙂

diy last minute halloween costume - lucy in the sky with diamonds - beatles costume